About Us
MI-AMTE, the organization, was formed in 2015. We are an affiliate of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Our goal is to promote all aspects of quality mathematics teacher education in Michigan.
MI-AMTE Leadership
Our organization is run by elected volunteers who work tirelessly to advance our profession and provide a space for community and support.
Constitution & Bylaws
Our constitution and bylaws have been approved by our members. You are welcome to review them using the link below.
Committees and SIGs
We currently have two Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and six standing committees, all run by volunteers from institutions across Michigan.
Please see our »Committees & SIGs page for details about each SIG group and standing committee, including descriptions of each, who to contact to join, and a run-down of key activities and members.
Purpose and Goals
Our Purpose
Promote excellence in the preparation and continuing development of all teachers of mathematics by providing quality leadership among mathematics teacher educators in the broad mathematics education community;
Promote equitable practices in mathematics teacher education, including promoting diversity among mathematics teachers and mathematics teacher educators;
Facilitate communication and collaboration among mathematics teacher educators;
Work collaboratively with other associations, organizations, and governmental units concerned with the preparation and professional development of mathematics teachers;
Organize programs and meetings focusing on issues related to the preparation and professional development of mathematics teachers.
2024-2025 Goals
Goal 1: Develop and expand both synchronous and asynchronous membership engagement opportunities.
Goal 2: Increase active membership.
Goal 3: Support professional and career development needs of MI-AMTE members.
Goal 4: Develop and enhance partnerships across teacher education institutions in Michigan.