MI-AMTE Position Statements
The following positions statements have been drafted and approved by MI-AMTE.
»Support for the Essential Instructional Practices in Early Mathematics
January 2023
[MI-AMTE strongly supports] expanding the investment in and use of The Essential Instructional Practices in Early Mathematics: PreKindergarten to Grade 3 (pdf)⇗… as a statewide framework to promote high-quality teaching and learning of mathematics.… Any new initiatives or movements the state might consider should be in alignment with the values and essential practices described in the Essential Instructional Practices. »Read More (pdf)
»Return to In-Person Schooling
March 2021
Many have referred to schooling in the fall as a “return to normal” or the “new normal”, but we must expect and prepare for a time of transition in which nothing will seem “normal”. We must be prepared to address these differences with a strengths-based orientation toward teachers and students and not a deficit orientation. We must be planning now for… »Read More (pdf)
»Michigan Standards for the Mathematical Preparation of Elementary Teachers
October 2019
As written, the standards for the preparation of elementary teachers specifically require programs to focus on the high-leverage topics; namely attribution, counting, whole number and operations, fractions, decimals, and operations with rational numbers.… Content and pedagogical knowledge should be extended focusing on all domains, particularly geometry, measurement, and statistics. »Read More (pdf)
AMTE Position Statements
The following position statements from the national AMTE organization are reposted here to indicate strong support from MI-AMTE.
AMTE Statement on Equitable and Inclusive Mathematics Teaching and Learning⇗
April 2022
[AMTE’s mission is] grounded in a collective commitment to promote diversity and to advance equity and inclusion…. We advocate for teachers’ freedom to use their expertise and professional judgement to meet the individual needs of all learners in their complex classrooms as they work to teach mathematics in equitable and anti-racist ways. Read the full statement at amte.net⇗