Events and Opportunities

You can also follow us on social media or become a member to be notified of new opportunities as soon as they are announced.

Film Screenings - Counted Out

Counted Out⇗ investigates the biggest crises of our time through an unexpected lens: math. This film makes the case that mathematical literacy is vital for citizens to have agency in our society as it grapples with issues such as climate change, political misinformation, and racial justice.  It also examines who has access to mathematics and how we must and can do better in providing more effective mathematical training. Read more about it at⇗.

Free public screenings:

  • KRESA: Friday, March 14, 10:00a. Box lunch provided. Flyer | Sign-up

  • WMU: Friday, March 14, 6:00p. Dinner provided. Flyer | Sign-up

  • EMU: Monday, March 17, 5:15p. Snacks provided. Flyer | Sign-up

  • EMU: Thursday, March 20, 2:15p. Snacks provided. Flyer | Sign-up

  • GVSU: Thursday, March 20, 6:30p. Snacks provided. Flyer | Sign-up

2024 Networking Project (Videos)

MI-AMTE’s 2024 Networking Project

Led by MI-AMTE’s 2024 Graduate Student Representative, Nitchada Kamlue, the 2024 MI-AMTE Networking Project connects with math education researchers through a series of informal interviews at ICME-15⇗ and PME-47⇗ in Summer 2024.

See below for the individual question videos, or access the full 4-video playlist on YouTube

MI-AMTE thanks the interviewees for their insightful contributions!

Dr. Karen Hollebrands (North Carolina State, USA), Dr. Jinfa Cai (U. of Delaware, USA), Dr. Gabriel Matney (Bowling Green State, USA), Dr. Pierre Arnoux (Aix-Marseille U., France), Dr. David Wagner (U. of New Brunswick, CA), Dr. Patricio Herbst (U. of Michigan, USA), Dr. Ban Heng Choy (Nanyang Technological U., Singapore), Dr. Keiko Watanabe (Shiga U., Japan), Dr. Wee Tiong Seah (The U. of Melbourne, Australia)

Q1) What is one thing you would like to share with young researchers?

Q2) What influenced your way of thinking about teaching & learning math?

Q3) What is your research interest or current project?

Q4) What is one thing you would like to tell MI-AMTE members?

Special Meeting (11/18/24)

Special Bylaws Meeting

The MI-AMTE Board is proposing several changes to the bylaws and constitution and will be holding a Special Meeting on Nov. 18, 2024, 12:00-12:30p, where members can weigh in on the changes. The proposed changes and meeting details were distributed to members by email on 10/17/24.

Members can also download a copy of the proposed changes (.pdf) by logging into the Member Area.

Blog Post from MI-AMTE’s Grad Rep

Blog Post from MI-AMTE’s 2024 Graduate Student Representative

In her blog post, Networking for Future Collaborations(pdf), MI-AMTE’s 2024 Graduate Student Representative, Nitchada Kamlue, shares her experience presenting at and attending two international conferences (ICME-15⇗ and PME-47⇗) in Summer 2024. Learn what new connections she brings to our MI-AMTE community.

Webinar (12/4/2024)

Unpacking NCTM's new publication, High School Mathematics Reimagined, Revitalized, and Relevant: Implications for Mathematics Teacher Education

Presenters: Kevin Dykema⇗, NCTM past-president and contributing writer to the publication; Stephanie Casey, and Andrew Ross, Professors at Eastern Michigan University

Save the date for an exciting webinar focused on NCTM's new publication, High School Mathematics Reimagined, Revitalized, and Relevant. Join us on December 4 from 12:00 - 1:00 to learn about the implications of this publication for mathematics teacher education. We'll hear about the overarching message and actions recommended for mathematics teacher educators, the focus on statistics and data science, and the mathematical modeling emphasis from experts in each of these areas.

Members can access the Zoom link by logging into the Member Area.

Recent Webinars and Coffee Chats

Webinar Archive

Visit our Webinar Archive to watch recordings and access e-resources: ❖.

  • Webinar (5/3/24): Mentoring Secondary Math Prospective Teachers for Racial Justice (Sheila Orr, Michigan State University)

  • Webinar (4/12/24): Using Complex Instruction in Mathematics Teacher Education (Joy Oslund & colleagues, Grand Valley State University)

  • Webinar (1/12/24): Developing secondary mathematics for teachers courses aligned to new program standards (Michael Brown, Michigan State University)

  • Webinar (10/12/23): MI-AMTE Advocacy Group Webinar (Nina Bailey, Montclair State University, and Kathy Wilbur, Michigan State University)

Zoom Coffee Chats

AY23-24 theme: The changing landscape of teacher education in Michigan

This year, we are focusing on sharing our experiences in addressing challenges associated with the shifting landscape of teacher preparation in Michigan. We will be specifically focusing on the needs of preparing candidates for state certification exams. Please feel free to drop in whenever you can; there is no formal "program" for these chats.

  • 12/1/23

  • 3/1/24

Archive of Past Opportunities & Events

2024 Mini-grants

2024 MI-AMTE Mini-grants: Call for Applications

The MI-AMTE Mini-Grant award program is designed to fund small projects that support the professional development of MI-AMTE members. For more information, including proposal guidelines and funding criteria, please see the »Call for Proposals (pdf).

Stats Ed SIG Meetings

Stats Ed SIG meetings:

Members can visit our Stats Ed SIG Page❖ for resources from these and other recent SIG meetings

  • SIG Meeting (4/17/24): Data literacy development across the curriculum

  • SIG Meeting (2/21/24): Data literacy development across the curriculum

  • SIG Meeting (5/18/23): How our revised programs are addressing statistics/data science

2023 Mini-grants

2023 MI-AMTE Mini-grants: Call for Applications

The MI–AMTE is offering mini-grant funding to support MI-AMTE members’ work in mathematics teacher education. Mini-grants can provide funding for projects like curriculum development, professional learning, and travel and materials in support of scholarship efforts. »Call for Applications (pdf)

Webinar (12/9/22)

Anotemos Webinar

Dr. Carolyn Hetrick &/or Dr. Patricio Herbst

Anotemos is a web-based tool developed at the University of Michigan to support the social annotation of videos and images. Learn how Anotemos can enhance and complement common uses of videos and images in mathematics teacher education.

  • Mathematics teacher educators have long drawn upon video- and image-based records of practice to support teacher learning. Still, the burgeoning relevance and exigence of interactive learning technologies in practice-based teacher education has not yet included the wide-spread use of video annotation tools. With the particular needs of instructors and students in mind, the GRIP Lab at the University of Michigan developed Anotemos, a web-based tool supporting the social annotation of videos and images. In this session, participants will share their uses of video- and image-based texts and identify opportunities and challenges they encounter when using these texts. Members of the GRIP Lab will provide a demonstration of Anotemos to showcase how its features can enhance and complement common uses of videos and images in mathematics teacher education. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss potential use cases, share their reactions to the tool, and—if desired—to register for an Anotemos account at no cost.n text goes here

Webinar (9/9/21)

Get the Facts Out Webinar

Stephanie Casey & Chuck Fessler (MI-AMTE Board)
Gary Martin & Tim Hedrix, AMTE
Get the Facts Out ambassadors

Get the Facts Out⇗ is an NSF-funded partnership focused on addressing teacher shortages in high-need STEM disciplines. This webinar focused on improving recruitment into mathematics teacher education in Michigan.

Webinar Series (2020-21)

Core Teaching Practices Webinars

MI-AMTE Professional Development Committee

The MI-AMTE Professional Development Committee hosted a series of webinars focused on the four core teaching practices that are a focus of work in teacher preparation programs across the state in our redesigned programs. These conversations among colleagues webinars focused on how to engage PK-12 mathematics teacher candidates in enacting these teaching practices.

  • Webinars included:

    • Building respectful relationships - Tuesday, November 17, 2020

    • Leading group discussions - Monday, December 7, 2020

    • Explaining and modeling core content - Tuesday, January 26, 2021

    • Eliciting and interpreting student thinking - Tuesday, February 16, 2021

    Who are the webinars for?

    These webinars are designed for mathematics teacher educators, teacher education program directors/administrators, mentor teachers, and professional developers. The webinars are NOT designed for teacher candidates.

    What will be the structure of the webinars?

    Each webinar will include two main parts. First, a member of the MI-AMTE Professional Development Committee will provide some framing around the teaching practice, including a decomposition of the practice and sample activities for working on the practice. Second, participants will engage in conversations in breakout rooms around the teaching practice and course activities they currently use or anticipate using.

    What is the cost to participate in the webinars?

    Participation in the webinars in FREE! MI-AMTE members will have access to a video recording of the framing of the teaching practice and interactive tools to support continued conversation after the webinar. Please explore our website and consider joining our organization if you are not currently a member.

    If you have any questions about the webinar series, please feel free to contact any member of the Professional Development Committee.

    Meghan Shaughnessy (Committee Chair), University of Michigan–Ann Arbor

    Liz Petit Cunningham, University of Michigan–Flint

    Nicole Garcia, University of Michigan–Ann Arbor

    Denny St. John, Central Michigan University