Conversations Among Colleagues (CAC)

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Conversations Among Colleagues was designed in 2003-2004 to facilitate conversations between and among mathematicians, mathematics educators and leaders in mathematics education. In 2015, the Conversations Among Colleagues became the official conference of the Michigan Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (MI-AMTE).

See below for information about upcoming and prior conferences.

Past Conferences

CAC 2025, Western Michigan University

WMU Page⇗ | 2025 Program(.pdf) | 2025 Sponsors | Slides

CAC 2025 was held at the Western Michigan University on Mar. 15, 2025. It featured an opening keynote by Peter Liljedahl, special sessions by Diane Owen-Rogers & Maisie Gholson, Kevin Dykema, and Pat Herbst, and included a total of 24 breakout sessions. It was a rich day of conversations in the spirit of the theme: Collaborating for Change—Learning from Each Other.

  • Overview: The 2025 conference, held at WMU, included a diverse mix of sessions focused on the theme: collaborating for change—learning from each other.

    Counted Out screenings: Two pre-conference screenings of the film Counted Out were also available the day before the conference, supported by KRESA and WMU.

    Conference Committee: Mari Levin (WMU), Jon Davis (WMU), Nesrin Cengiz-Phillips (UM-Dearborn), Matt Wyneken (UM-Flint, retired), and Nitchada Kamlue (WMU).

CAC 2024, University of Michigan - Dearborn

UMD Page⇗ | 2024 Program(.pdf) | 2024 Sponsors | Slides

CAC 2024 was held at the University of Michigan - Dearborn on Mar. 16, 2024. Keynotes by Mandy Jansen and Aris Winger framed a rich day of conversations about the conference theme: Reframing and Humanizing Mathematics, Teaching, and Learning.

  • Overview: The 2024 conference, held at UM-Dearborn, included a diverse mix of sessions focused on reframing and humanizing mathematics, teaching, and learning.

    Conference Committee: Angela Krebs (UM-Dearborn; chair), Nesrin Cengiz-Phillips (UM-Dearborn; co-chair), Maggie Rathouz (UM-Dearborn; co-chair), Asli Ozgun-Koca (Wayne State U.), Jon Hasenbank (Grand Valley State U.), Dawn Woods (MI-AMTE / Oakland U.)

MI-AMTE Logo with GVSU Location Marked

CAC 2023, Grand Valley State University

2023 Program(.pdf) | 2023 Sponsors

CAC 2023 was held on the Allendale campus of Grand Valley State University on Feb. 25, 2023. Keynote speaker Brette Garner spoke about ways we can support mathematics teacher learning through co-inquiry.

  • Overview: The 2023 conference, held on the Allendale campus of Grand Valley State University, included a diverse mix of sessions focused on improving mathematics education and the preparation and continuing development of teachers of mathematics.

    Conference Theme: CAC 2023 was held in conjunction with the GVSU Math In Action Conference and shared a conference theme focused on the use of inclusive teaching strategies.

    Keynote: The MIA and CAC programs included multiple keynotes by Brett Garner, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Denver’s Morgridge College of Education, whose research focuses on teacher learning as a key lever for improving educational experiences for students.

    Conference Committee: Jon Hasenbank (chair) and David Coffey (GVSU Mathematics), and John Gabrosek and John Appiah Kubi (GVSU Statistics), and MI-AMTE Board Liaison Shari McCarty (Aquinas College)

MI-AMTE Logo with UM-Flint Location Marked

CAC 2022, University of Michigan - Flint

CAC 2022 was held virtually by the University of Michigan - Flint on Mar. 19, 2022. It was the fifteenth Conversation Among Colleagues! An educational half-day of productive conversations, collegial sharing, and brainstorming in our support of one another as members of MI-AMTE.

  • Two breakout sessions provided lively exchanges and discussions about issues related to mathematics education, the grade band redesign process, mathematics teacher education in general, and issues unique to teacher preparation in Michigan. Click here for the conference program.

    Conference Committee: Elizabeth Cunningham and Matt Wyneken (co-chairs), both from University of Michigan-Flint, and committee members: Timothy Boerst, Jeramy Donovan, Kaili Hardamon, Laura McLeman, and Karin Sippert.

MI-AMTE Logo with U of M Location Marked

CAC 2021, University of Michigan

CAC 2021 was held virtually by the University of Michigan on March 20, 2021. The theme for the conference was “Reimagining Opportunities for Mathematics Teacher Learning” The keynote speaker was Mike Flynn (Director, Mathematics Leadership Programs, Mount Holyoke College).

  • Mike Flynn is the director of Mathematics Leadership Programs at Mount Holyoke College. He runs the Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics program and leads professional learning for K-16 educators and administrators in both mathematics and remote teaching practices. Dr. Flynn was one of the first educators to use Zoom back in 2013 to design interactive online learning experiences and has been perfecting the format ever since. Presently, Dr. Flynn is supporting teachers and school districts around the world in creating engaging online learning experiences for students.

    The program involved participants in a keynote, plenary panel, and breakout sessions to explore how teacher educators, mentors, coaches, and other educational leaders adapted to the continuously changing teacher learning environments that resulted from the COVID pandemic. The conference supported rich conversations focusing on new tools and approaches, reprioritized tasks, and reconsidered past routines that supported core goals and responsibilities to teachers during the pandemic and the implications of what was developed and done for future efforts.

MI-AMTE Logo with U of M Location Marked

CAC 2020, University of Michigan

The theme of the 2020 MI-AMTE Conference hosted virtually by University of Michigan on March 21, 2020, was 20/20, A Vision for Mathematics Teacher Education. They keynote speakers were John Staley (NCSM - Past President) and Deborah Loewenberg Ball (University of Michigan).

  • John Staley (U.S. National Commission on Mathematics Instruction, NCSM - Past President, Baltimore County Public Schools) who started the conversation on Creating a Vision to Catalyze Change in High School Mathematics: Engaging Mathematics Teacher Educators in Critical Conversations

    Deborah Loewenberg Ball (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor) advanced the conversation in her talk titled (How) Can Mathematics Teaching and Teacher Education Contribute to Disrupting Racism and Oppression?

    Fourteen breakout sessions provided lively exchanges and discussions about issues related to mathematics education, mathematics teacher education in general, and issues unique to teacher preparation in Michigan.

MI-AMTE Logo with Hope College Location Marked

CAC 2019, Hope College

The theme of the 2019 MI-AMTE Conference hosted by Hope College on March 16, 2019, was A Solid Foundation: Developing a Shared Vision for Professional Growth. The keynote speakers were Mike Steele (President of AMTE) and Ziv Feldman (Boston University).

  • Nearly 55 teachers, school district leaders, and college faculty from across the state joined and participated in the conference.

    The keynote speakers, Mike Steele (President of AMTE) and Ziv Feldman (Boston University) framed our conversation on the AMTE’s Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics and teacher education programs.

    Sixteen breakout sessions provided lively exchanges and discussions about issues related to mathematics education, mathematics teacher education in general, and issues unique to teacher preparation in Michigan.

    The closing session featured Meghan Shaughnessy, Nicole Garcia, Jane Porath, and Shari Stockero as they led the panel discussion to develop a shared vision for professional growth.

MI-AMTE Logo with EMU Location Marked

CAC 2018, Eastern Michigan University

The 2018 conference was held on March 17, 2018 at Eastern Michigan University. The conference theme was The Teacher Development Continuum: Preservice through Early Career. The plenary speakers were Tim Boerst (University of Michigan), Kristen Bieda (Michigan State), and Mark Hoover (University of Michigan).

  • The AMTE Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics start from the assumption that the development of teachers' content and teaching knowledge, skills, and dispositions occurs over a career-long trajectory, known as the Teacher Development Continuum. This conference examined and discussed this continuum, with a focus on the time frame from Preservice through Early Career.

    The plenary speakers were:

    Tim Boerst (Professor of Clinical Practice, University of Michigan) who gave a talk titled AMTE's Standards for Preparing Teachers of Mathematics: Questions, Challenges, and Opportunities.

    Kristen Bieda (Associate Professor, Michigan State University) who gave a talk titled Supporting Early Career Elementary Teachers' Enactment of Ambitious Mathematics Instruction.

    Mark Hoover (Associate Research Scientist, University of Michigan) and Amy Parks (Associate Professor, Michigan State University) who gave a talk titled Preparation Standards for Elementary Mathematics Teaching in Michigan.

MI-AMTE Logo with MSU Location Marked

CAC 2017, Michigan State University

The 2017 conference was held on March 18, 2017 at Michigan State University. The conference theme was Developing Systems to Face the Challenges of Today and Tomorrow. The plenary speakers were Kathryn Chval (University of Missouri), John Austin (Past President, Michigan Board of Education), and Corey Drake (Director of Teacher Preparation, Michigan State University).

  • The conference focused specifically on the complex issues related to improving teaching and learning mathematics, including highly public federal and state accountability systems, limited financial resources, enrollment declines, increase demand for STEM workforce, and more.

    The plenary speakers were:

    Kathryn Chval (Dean and Professor in Mathematics Education, University of Missouri) who gave a talk titled Reclaiming the Floor in Mathematics Teacher Education: Where Do We Begin?

    John Austin (Past President, Board of Education, Michigan Department of Education) who gave a talk titled Building the Education System of Tomorrow - Today

    Corey Drake (Associate Professor and Director of Teacher Preparation, Michigan State University who gave a talk titled Transforming Mathematics Teacher Education in Michigan: Equity and Impact

    Panelists included:

    Sherry Gay-Dagnogo (Former Teacher and Current State Representative for District 8, Michigan House of Representatives)

    Valerie Mills (Supervisor and Mathematics Education Consultant, Oakland Schools)

    Shari Stockero (Associate Professor of Mathematics Education and Director of Teacher Education, Michigan Technological University)

Pre-2017 Conferences

CAC 2016

Western Michigan University

Theme: Bringing the Standards for Mathematical Practice to Life
Keynotes: Emma Trevino, Ed Silver

CAC 2015

Wayne State University

Theme: Supporting Teachers Mathematically and Pedagogically
Keynotes: Jim Hiebert, Hyman Bass

CAC 2013

Central Michigan University

Theme: Making Practice Core: Math Practices and the Practice of Teaching
Keynote: Jere Confrey

CAC 2011

Grand Valley State University

Theme: Common Core State Standards
Keynotes: Zalman Usiskin, Sybilla Beckmann, Chris Hirsch

CAC 2009

University of Michigan - Dearborn

Theme: What Does It Mean to Do Mathematics
Keynotes: Randy Philipp, Patricio Herbst

CAC 2008

Western Michigan University

Theme: Educating Future Teachers of Mathematics: K-16
Keynotes: William McCallum, Glenda Lappan

CAC 2006

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

Theme: Collaborating to Improve the Mathematical Education of Our Students
Keynotes: Patricio Herbst, Dan Chazan

CAC 2005

Michigan State University

Theme: Collaborating to Improve the Mathematical Education of Our Students
Keynotes: Deborah Ball, Hyman Bass

CAC 2004

Grand Valley State University

Theme: Collaborating to Improve the Mathematical Education of Our Students
Keynotes: Hyman Bass & colleagues; Glenda Lappan

Conference Sponsors

A huge THANK YOU to our generous CAC sponsors!