and SIGs
MI-AMTE Special Interest Groups
We currently have two special interest groups. We welcome others who wish to form a special interest group to contact any member of the board with a proposal.
Statistics Education
Led by Stephanie Casey
The purpose of this group is to improve the K-12 teaching of statistics (particularly the statistics standards in the CCSS-M) in Michigan by supporting teachers and those who work with teachers. The group brings together statisticians, statistics educators, and mathematics teacher educators to work collaboratively towards this goal.
Contact Stephanie Casey to join the group, or visit the Member Area Stats Ed SIG page❖ for news and resources.
Teaching Mathematics Content (TeMaC)
Led by Theresa Grant and Nesrin Cengiz-Phillips
The TeMaC SIG focuses on sharing ideas about the design and teaching of courses that have the goal of furthering prospective teachers' understandings of the mathematics they plan to teach. This may occur in the context of content courses, methods courses, or blended courses.
Access the TeMAC SIG website⇗ for news and historical information.
MI-AMTE Committees
We rely on our volunteers to run MI-AMTE. Below is a list of some of those currently serving. We appreciate their time and commitment!
Nominations & Elections Committee
Solicits candidates for the Board of Directors and conducts elections.
Chair: Nesrin Cengiz-Phillips (2022-2025)
Finance Committee
Ensures that all revenues and expenditures of the organization are in conformity with the Constitution, Bylaws, and policies of MI-AMTE.
Chair: Asli Koca (2022-2025)
Advocacy Committee
Advocates for issues important to mathematics teacher education, including developing position statements.
Chair: Joy Oslund (2022-2025)
Professional Development Committee
Designs, organizes, and carries out activities to support the professional development of MI-AMTE members (outside of CaC Conference)
Chair: Nicole Garcia
Membership Committee
Oversees the membership of MI-AMTE.
Chair: John Gruver (2022-2025)